Friday, February 24, 2012



In the effect of treatment, main is drug, which is constituted with the several drugs that was rare to use for treatment of vitiligo by now

If this treatment is applied in future, it seems that micro pigmentation which set to permeat pure dyes into the skin many be converted to nwew treame

As vitiligo vulgariss is skin disoder ythat only mars the beauty of the people, it develop about 1 to 2 percent of the world's population.

Development of vitiligo is all equal in the countries, region, sex and races.

Among deepening of the research on vitiligo all over the wolrd's extent, in of Korea researchers have been achieved excellent results on the research on the desease.

The couse of vitiligo was yet not known, therefore it was known that the effect of the most treatment was low.

There are many international research institute in many countries nad homepages for the patient with vitiligo, too.

The treatment nt of vitiligo includes with medical and surgical therapies, medical and surgical therapies, medical therapies among treatment, are treatment that set to repigment malanic pigment on the vitiligo region in which exist the sources  of few stimulation, in the some vitiligo that are hard to core with medical thelapies. surgical thelapies, that is, self-epidermal graft is applied.

Although  surgical thelapies have higher effect than medical thelapies, the extent of application of surgical thelapies are lower than 20 percent of all vitiligo.

The surgical thelapies can be usde if following condition are satisfied:

The ocondition and divided into (a), (b). (c)

The satsfied condition = (a), (b) + (c)

(a) : Complete step of the sprad for 2 to years

(b) : Negative of Koenerization

(c) : Small area

medical therapies are applied on the extent of 80 percent of all the patient with vitiligo and the types are so many  

By now it has been recognised that medical thelapies can be epected the good result if the patient had received the treatment for long a long time i.e 6 months to 2 years.

Generally the shorter the developed period, the more effective the treatment nad the tratment on the face, trunk are more effective than the other region, but its effect are very poor on distal region such as hand, feet, etc

In medical thelapies completed cure is generally lower tan 50 percent.

Recently, camouflage that covers the depigment patches foe temporaly or semi -permanent period is widely used beacuse the effect of the medical thelapes is low nad also. period is very low.

In temporary camouflage  DiHdroxyAceton (DHA) is main materials and if DHA uses, depigmented patch can be covered for several days (i.e 2-3 days) like normal skin colour.

In semi-permanent camouflage, micropigmentation ( Tatooing) is main agaent and its main material constitutes with iron oxide, carbon, henna dye and if limited to exposed aaresa of the body is coverd for almost 6 months like nomal skin colour.

If semi-permanent tatooing is applied, given skin became darken thanaround color at first and then tatooing gradually facdes away little over time and finaly returns after 6 months.

Dr Yong sik Han has newly made medical treatment when it is compared with other option for treatment the patient with vitiligo by now and it is combined with medicine and surgical method.


He has been achied excelent result with this present treatment through arduous resurch for 22 years.

The form of new tretment is same with same-peermanent tatooing (SPT), but it is essentially different with PST

In PST, its main material are pure dyes, but inn new treatment drug is not dye and it is permeated with special surgical instument (the instrument helps permeation of the drug into the epidermal layer of the skin, There for it is called that Drug

Permeation instrument (DPI) and set to return only melanic pigment, therefore achieve repigmentation at given areas and the drug is gradually absorbed and finally returns to normal color of patients

The efficacy of this present treatment is to promote the repigmentation of melanic pigment with only treatment of one time on the best level than the repigmentation ratio of melanic pigment which are repigmented through medical thelapies of long period for 6 months to 2 years

That is, this present is the strongest among the other treatment known up to now in stimulating strongly the synthesis of the melanic pigment if the least origin (of melanic pigment) survive on given.

it is generally diffucult ot cure foe medical therapies on distal region suchas hand,, feet , etc, but not new teatment.

The ares of treatment of time is decided as the half of flat hand of adult and if the depigmented area is lager, frequency of treatment is devided into several times.

This present treatment is usually proceeded with frequency of one time, but if not enough, treatment will be tried once more.

Variation after treatment is not enough, treatment id following down.

(a) : After 1 day of the application of the treatment, this scab is formed on the given region.

(b) : After 10 days of the application of the treatment, formed thin scab is spontaneously falling off.

(c) : After 15 days of the application of the treatment, a lots of melanic repigmantation begins

(d) : After 30 days of the application of te treatment, a lots of melanic repigmantation is occured      on the given region

(e) : After 50 days of the application of treatment, repigmentation is completed and then color of given region become dark brown than around color. gradually returns to normal color of patient following several months.

Treament like this is one that presents in  the world  firstly and frecuency of treatment is 1-2 time, the period of treatment is 1-2 months, in the effect of treatment satisfied guarantee of beauty is over 70 percent, therefore is satisfied it seems to be more effective among medical therapies by now.
nt for the patient with vitiligo  and suggestion new vista of treatment of vitiligo.

we offer services to individual patient .. you can visit this blogs /  to see the treatment of keloid and vitiligo, later if you need treatment do not hesitate to send us an   

KOREA DERMATOLOGICAL CLINIC Found in Tanzania Dar-es-Salaam at Ilala manicipal Kariakoo,Mzizima street. Mob: +255 713792906 +255 719146570 +255713242495